Ich besuchte die frühere DDR oft, um als Gast der FDJ (Freie Deutsche Jugend – ehemalige DDR Jugendorganisation) Musik zu spielen. Ich habe viele Erinnerungen an diese Tage: an ein Land, so unterschiedlich von allem anderen, wo ich gewesen bin, ohne Werbung, nahezu ohne Kriminalität, aber auch ohne Alternative. Ich erinnere mich an die…Read more Palace Of Tears – Tränenpalast
Author: Ray
Palace Of Tears — the song
(This post will be repeated in German) Click here to see the video on YouTube The Palace Of Tears, 'Tränenpalast', was the nickname Berliners gave to one of the crossing points in the Berlin wall. It was the metro station in Friedrichstrasse. Berliners from the west were allowed through on a day pass to visit their…Read more Palace Of Tears — the song
The King’s Birthday
Here is a new song from my forthcoming album with a new video featuring 'The Swedish Kitchen Orchestra' in action one hot night last week in Lilla Malma Kyrka Malmköping. Starring Jenny Tidman, Patrik Andersson and Gustav Andersson. The inspiration for the song: Her name was Karin, or so I imagined. It started with…Read more The King’s Birthday
A Line in the Sand
I have put up another new song here on the home page. Thanks to George H.W. Bush ("I'm gonna draw a line in the sand") and A. Blair ("I had taken the view that we needed really to re-make the middle east") for the inspiration. A Line In The Sand Somewhere there's a line in…Read more A Line in the Sand