I am one of those few musicians lucky enough to be able to play at the moment. I leave on Thursday for a 14 date tour of Germany and Denmark. The shows will have limited numbers with gaps between the chairs and tables. The house concerts on this tour will not be in houses but in larger rented rooms, or, in one case, a rooftop, it is still summer in the south.
However, I am afraid to say that my tour in England which was scheduled to start at the end of January has been pushed forward to July 2021. I had a good experience touring last month and played quite a few outdoor shows. Venues were discovering they could use their gardens and patios, and I also played a couple of house concerts in gardens. Summer feels like to be best time to tour for 2021.
The album release may have to be delayed too, more about that soon.
It looks like I will be off the road from the end of October through to May when I start again in Germany. I will try to make some more streamed concerts during this time. I am also trying to figure out how to get back to Canada.
October 2nd – 23rd Germany/Denmark 2020
2 Bremen Arberger Hof
4 Leverkussen Notenschlüssel
6 Köln Cafe Lichtung
7 Witzenhausen Cafe Ringelnatz
9 Reidstadt Bücher Bühne
11 Denslingen Storchenturm
13 Leipzig Neues Schauspiel
15 Leutkirche House Concert
16 Nurnberg House Concert
17 Schloss Goseck
18 Pirna private show
21 Schleswig St Juergen Gemindehaus
22 Silkeborg 3f Union private show Denmark
23 Halkaer Kro Denmark