
Dear music lovers, tonight I will play in the Hermon Chapel in Oswestry but this will be my last live performance for a time. It is with a heavy heart that I have to tell you that I have decided to cancel the rest of my UK tour and head home this week. You can probably guess the reasons why. I also now have to cancel my forthcoming tour in Germany in April / May. Apologies to all the people who were looking forward to that.
I live in Sweden and the situation in Europe is far advanced from what we have here in England. In many European countries live performances are already banned. We are entering uncharted waters and I don’t want to make the whole situation worse by continuing. This is a time to be staying at home, not touring. I will be at home working on new music, recording and planning and album release for next year.
When this storm clears I look forward to touring again in Germany in the autumn and in England next year. For those of you planning to come to shows Eastbourne, Bury St Edmunds, Bretforton and Alvediston I hope you can understand. I have already re-scheduled the show at The Milkmaid in Bury St Edmunds for January 22nd 2021.
I wish you the best of health at this difficult time. Stay well! Yours, Ray